~ "By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; Through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures." ~ "Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing" ~ "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." ~ "Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."~

Friday, June 19, 2009

Bread Cones

Bread Cones.... I came across this recipe a few weeks ago and I bookmarked it immediately! As you well know by now, I just love trying out new bread recipes. The idea of bread cones...now that is ingenious! I thought it was the neatest thing ...we actually have a sandwich shop in town called the Staggering Ox. It sells all sorts of sandwiches made out of hollowed out bread. The bread is baked in cans and the inside is scooped out. It is then filled with various fillings. So when I came across a Bread Cone Recipe, I instantly knew I would try it. I thought it was so elegant and pretty...perfect for bridal showers, birthday parties, reunions, potlucks, picnics or any other special occasion.

For this recipe, I stayed true to the original recipe and didn't change a thing! Ok, I admit that I didn't have the cream horn tubes that are essential for this recipe. I once saw an alternative for making cream horns without the tubes in a Cuisine at Home magazine. They used ice cream sugar cones and wrapped them in aluminum foil. Now, I wasn't going to go buy any ice cream cones to make this. So, I came up with using card stock paper... actually they were fliers that I received in the mail :)!I formed cones and then I wrapped them in aluminum foil. They worked like a charm... I was sooo happy!

Make sure you grease the aluminum foil well and they will come right out with no problem. I had so much fun making these cute bread cones...they were delicious! I filled them with my own version of tuna salad...but you can fill them with whatever filling you like. You will need to stuff them well so they reach the bottom of the cone. I loved the bread flavor....an awesome recipe that I highly recommend! The recipe makes 8 large bread cones...I think next time I would like to make a smaller version...make 16 instead. Let me know if you try them. Hope you enjoy... 

You will need: adapted from www.thekneadforbread.com... link no longer available.
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup water
3 tablespoons oil
1/4 cup sugar
1 beaten egg
1 1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/4 teaspoon instant yeast
3 1/2 to 4 cups bread flour (I used only 3 1/2)

Egg wash:1 egg
1 tablespoon milk


1.Pour the milk and water into a saucepan and heat to a scald.Pour this into a large bowl (I used my kitchen aid bowl since I was going to knead it using the mixer), allow to cool to lukewarm.
2. Add in the oil, sugar and salt; mix with a wooden spoon till well blended.
3. Add in the beaten egg and 2 cups of flour; mix till smooth with a wooden spoon.
4. Add in the instant yeast and mix.
5. Allow to sit for 10 minutes uncovered. Now, start to slowly add in more flour. I added 1 1/2 cups...a total of 3 1/2 cups of flour. I used my Kitchen Aid to do the mixing...I kneaded the dough for 6-8 minutes.
6. Add a tablespoon of oil to a clean bowl and place the dough into the bowl. Turn over a few times to lightly coat all sides of the dough with the oil.
7. Cover with plastic wrap and allow to rest till the dough doubles in bulk, about 1 hour.
8.While the dough is rising, make the cones. That is if you don't have any. If you do...ah, take a break:)
9. Make the cones out of card stock paper material or fliers that are a bit more sturdier.
10. Tape the cones and then cover them well with aluminum foil, so that no paper shows.
11. Set them aside.
12. Remove dough and knead a few time to release the gas. Now cut the dough into 8 pieces.
13. Use a scale to make sure each piece is equal in weight(I didn't do this since I don't have a scale).
14. Allow the dough to rest for 5 minutes. Take each piece of dough and roll into a 36 inch rope.
15. Roll the dough ropes around the greased 6 inch cream horn tubes.
16. Place onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper and brush with the egg glaze. Sprinkle sesame seeds or poppy seeds(or both).
17. Cover with plastic wrap. Allow to rest for 30 minutes in a warm environment.
18. Bake in a preheated 350 degree oven for 20 - 22 minutes or till golden brown(mine took about 18 minutes).
19. Place onto a wire rack and allow to cool for a couple minutes before removing the tubes.
20. Fill them with your favorite filling and enjoy!


Amanda said...

These are so cool! Glad I stumbled across your blog, I'm bookmarking these and will be watching for new posts from you :)

Ellie said...

Glad you came by...thanks for leaving a comment. I thought these bread cones were pretty cool too!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the inserts (made of paper) didn't catch fire. So, in addition to a great recipe, I've learned something new today! The bread cones look amazing; I can imagine them at a brunch or for a picnic.

I found you on TasteSpotting and am writing to say that if you have any photos that aren’t accepted there, I’d love to publish them. Visit my new site (below), it’s a lot of fun! I hope you will consider it.


Annie Laurie said...

Thanks for the step-by-step instructions! Your photos made it so easy to recreate in my own kitchen. I made these today and love them. I'll also be trying them smaller, though, as an appetizer for a Bridal Shower.

Ellie said...

Annie Laurie,
Oh, I am so glad that the bread cones came out for you! Thanks for leaving a comment...I also think they will be cute for a bridal shower in a smaller version.

MaMely said...

Hello Ellie, You are very creative. I made these cone molds following your instructions and made the bread cones.
They did not come out uniform in size, unlike yours but they look so fabulous. I posted pictures in my blog. Thanks for sharing your creativity.

Ellie said...

I just visited your site...wow! A wonderful collection of wonderful recipes!!
Thanks for the link back ...and thanks for your encouraging comments on my blog and your site as well.

Sailaja Damodaran said...

Very interesting recipe....can u pl. tell me wether we can make it with all purpose flour?Is bread flour & all purpose flour are same?

Ellie said...

Hi SAilaja,
Thanks for stopping by. Bread flour has a higher protein than all purpose flour...it is used in pizza/bread recipes. It is also higher in gluten which provides the chewiness and loftiness in pizza/bread recipes. You can probably substitute all purpose flour for the bread flour in this recipe but you might not get the exact results. But, it should be ok. Hope it comes out for you. Here is link to further help you:

A said...

These are amazing, I'll be trying them shortly!!


Multiflora Textilius said...

Oh, what a "nasty" idea - Kids will love them for school also - I 'll try this NOW - was surfing the net to see what's for dinner - Now I know!!! Thanks a bunch.

Ellie said...

Adrienne and Multiflora,
I hope you both have fun making these...they are great! I recently served them for breakfast stuffed with scrambled eggs,bacon and cheese. They were delicious!

Alina said...

Wow, I'd love to bake lovely little bread cones next time we have guests - this would be such an interesting and fun alternative to canapes!! thank you for the recipe!

Ellie said...

Alina, We really enjoy these breads. I have to admit that I haven't made these in the mini version....yet:).Let me know if you do.

Alina said...

Ellie, yeah, I guess I could just make shorter paper cones for a mini version! I'll let you know when I try your recipe!! Thank you once again!

kk said...

You are so clever!! I saw the recipe for the bread cones too. I haven't made them because I don't have the mold. But now, I don't need them anymore!! Thanks for great idea!!! =) You have a wonderful blog!

Ellie said...

KK, thanks for dropping by and for your sweet comment. I really appreciate it! I hope you try the bread cones...the nice part about making your own cones, is that you can make them as wide as you want.~Ellie

Von said...

Wow....they're so cool! I've never seen anything like this before.....
Definitely making sometime soon! Thanks!

Isabel Seabra said...

Very clever and apealling for children!

Anonymous said...

I am having a girls brunch this weekend, and I am going to make these. I found them on tastespotting.

Ellie said...

Thanks for stopping by...I think you will enjoy these bread cones. They are delicious and fun:)~Ellie

Adrienne said...

Thank you! I saw these awhile back, but they "required" cream horn tubes which of coarse I didn't have. Now I'm so excited to try your idea. I just hope my turn out half as great as yours:)

Ellie said...

Adrienne, Thanks for stopping by...Just take your time when forming them. You might need to place them on two pans. Hopefully, they will come out for you! Enjoy...~Ellie

Anna said...

Goodness me! I like this very much! I want to read more from you.You are very creative.

Ellie said...

Anna, Welcome to my blog and thank you for your sweet comment. I really hope you enjoy your visit here and that you can try a recipe or two. Have a wonderful day. ~Ellie

Anonymous said...

Could I use the same amount of Active Dry yeast instead of Instant yeast?

Ellie said...

Anon. Yes, you can probably get away with using active dry yeast.... though I haven't used it as I find the instant yeast makes for "fluffier" breads.
Active dry yeast needs to be dissolved in warm water first and be "proofed" before proceeding with the rest of the recipe. If I would use the active dry, I would probably do the following:
I would add the warm water the recipe calls for and 1 TBS of the sugar...let it proof for 10 minutes, then add the warm milk, the rest of the sugar(3 TBS), oil and salt. Proceed with the rest of the recipe...

Hope that helps~Ellie

Kwin said...

My wife and I live in Spokane and eat at the Staggering OX well more then I care to admit HAHA we just love the bread! So I told my wife lets try to see if we can make the bread cups just for fun.

As a result I ended up on this site! Thanks for this wonderful recipe I'm going to try to make this for my wife today, I'll let you know how it turns out.

Any chance of the bread cup recipe for the parm/herb online? I understand if you want to keep that one a secret but any advice would be welcome :)

Thx, Kwin

Ellie said...

Kwin, Thanks for stopping by...I am hoping you will like this version of bread cones. This method is a bit different than Staggering Ox...they probably use aluminum cans to bake their bread in, and then scoop out the insides.

As for the bread cup...I am not aware of that. So, I probably wouldn't be able to help you with that...sorry. If I had the recipe I would be sure to try it and post it:). Hope you have fun baking~Ellie

Spice said...

OH my!! another recipe bookmarked from your blog within 5-7 min. I've to stop reading more posts now... otherwise i'll have a big list of bookmarked recipes I guess...lol..

Ellie said...

Spice, Thanks for stopping by.... I am glad you found a couple of recipes you might like to try....so glad you like the blog. It means a great deal...especially when I can be of inspiration. Thank you for your kind words...

The bread cones are a favorite of mine. and I just love filling it with scrambled eggs:) ...

Then multi colored pasta is quite fun to do... you can use a regular pasta dough recipe and create your color scheme. You definitely need to set apart some time for that:) as it does take a bit of time...especially when you want to keep the lines straight)...

Ebie said...

Hi Ellie, visiting here from Mely of Pinoy Recipes. This is so creative. I will browse your blog after this comment.

Ellie said...

Ebie, So glad you like the idea... I hope you enjoy the rest of your visit:).

suki said...

i was looking for something new and creative and found this site. made the bread cone during the weekend and it was a blast.
thanks for sharing your ideas with us

Ellie said...

Suki, You are welcome! So glad you enjoyed the bread cones...and thank you so much for your feedback.

They are fun to make and delicious to eat...we love them:).

saima munif said...

simply love them!!! tried them today and they turned out really nice. i find the rolling of the dough rope around the cone a bit tricky, but the result was just fine. thanks a lot for sharing this.

saima munif said...

wow!!!!!! superb idea, i tried it and my kids simply love it. thanks a lot for sharing!

saima munif said...

simply superb! they came out perfect and my kids loved them. thanks for sharing.

Ellie said...

Saima, I SO appreciate your sweet comments...and am SO glad you enjoyed the bread cones! They are fun to make and delicious to eat:). Really fun for the kids...and adults alike:)
Thank you so much for taking the time to write and sharing your feedback. I really appreciate it!

laxmom said...

Would I be able to use the refrigerated bread sticks (Pillsbury) to make the cones? I am just AWFUL when it comes to making any kind of dough. It NEVER comes out right. I am yeast challenged!!

Ellie said...

Laxmom, I don't see why you couldn't use the refrigerated dough... I'm thinking it should work just as well.
As a side note, I too was scared of working with yeast...failed miserably many times. Somehow, after many tries I began improving and must admit that I now LOVE to work with yeast doughs.
One of the best ways to help you overcome the fear is to use instant yeast...you basically add it to the flour mixture....no need to proof it in warm liquid. It also gives you a bit more room for error ... as it doesn't get "killed" as easily with hotter liquids, since it is mixed in with the flour(the flour sort of protects it a bit).
I would highly recommend you try this dough recipe...it's an easier one... you basically add all the ingredients in a bowl and mix. But regardless, I hope you enjoy the fun part of making bread cones:)

Haddock said...

This looks good (and my wife says that she is going to try it)
Maybe you will see a pic in my blog once she makes it (and I approve of it) :-)

Ellie said...

Haddock, I am excited that your wife would like to try the bread cones. Hopefully you will like the result...and approve of them:).
They are fun to make and taste delicious! Lots of ways to fill them up...
Thanks for stopping by, would love to hear your feedback on them.

AizahPacanaDelez said...

Hi! I came across your blog from thekneadforbread.com. I'm definitely going to try this recipe this coming weekend. I can't wait to surprise my husband with this. We don't eat meat so I'm going to try your tuna salad filling. Thanks!

Ellie said...

Aizah, Oh, we love this bread...so fun to make. It's wonderful to fill with all sorts of fillings...if you can have eggs, they are wonderful filled with scrambled eggs and veggies. But I hope you and your husband enjoy this recipe as much as we do....regardless of the filling. The bread is nice and soft...and very tasty:).
Thanks for stopping by... I appreciate it!

bukky said...

hi,am impress by what you humbly provided with illustrations.thank you.i will continue to try it until i can add it to the little snacks we sell to our little customers.thank you once again.

Ellie said...

Bukky, You are welcome! Glad you like it... and I hope you have fun making them:).

Unknown said...

Just found this on Pinterest, can't wait to make some, just too cute and your directions are great.

Ellie said...

Joan, Hope you have fun making the bread cones... they are totally cute and worth making:).

We love them... and hope you do too:). Thanks for stopping by...

Sweet said...

found these on pinterst...sooooooooo cute.
I am going to make these asap

Ellie said...

Thanks, Sweet.

I'm glad you stopped by... sure hope you can give these bread cones a try. We love them.

I think you will enjoy making these:)! They are just fun to eat:).... tastes delicious.

Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Can these be made ahead and frozen? I think they would be perfect for my daughters birthday but it would be great to make them ahead of time! Thanks!

Ellie said...

Anon, Yes, the bread cones, once baked and cooled, can be wrapped well and frozen. Just defrost on counter... You may want to remove them from the freezer bag and place them on a plate and keep them covered. Leaving them in the bag, especially if there's ice crystals can make the bread cones defrost with spots that are soggy( from ice crystals melting). If you want, you can always bake them for a couple of minutes to "freshen" them up... Or microwave them for a few seconds... not too long or they will be rubbery.

Hope that helps... and that your daughter's birthday goes well

Ellie said...

Anon, The bread itself is softer and not as crusty as normal bread bowls, so I'm not sure if it would get soggy rather quickly... I haven't personally tried it. You might get away with a thick chowder of sorts. But it's definitely worth a try... it just might work. I'd love to know if you try it...

Anonymous said...

Say is it possible to serve soup from the cone rather than a bread bowl?

Ellie said...

Anon, The bread itself is softer and not as crusty as normal bread bowls, so I'm not sure if it would get soggy rather quickly... I haven't personally tried it. You might get away with a thick chowder of sorts. But it's definitely worth a try... it just might work. I'd love to know if you try it...

Old Farmhouse Quilts said...

I ran into this on pinterest recently and can't wait to make them for my next Bible study group snack. Can these cones be frozen after baking?

Ellie said...

Paula, I am glad you stopped by!

Yes, as with most breads, the bread cones can also be frozen. I'd probably wrap them individually before placing them in sealable freezer container/bags... this way you'll be ensured they don't get any lingering freezer smells:).

Hope you have fun with the recipe... and that your Bible study group enjoys them.

Camilla Bruni said...

I can't thank you enough for this recepie and for your blog! You are my star!! I will be reading you everyday from now on!! Everything you write is very clear and makes me feel I can do it as well, I finally feel comfortable in the kitchen!

Ellie said...

Camilla, Awww... Thanks so much for your sweet comment! So glad I can be of help:)... always makes my day to hear that. I hope you enjoy your time in the kitchen regardless of the outcome.

Anonymous said...

I saw your recipe on Facebook and came to your site. I love the recipe but I was more encouraged by the scripture scroll you have. I'm going through a rough time and they spoke to my heart at just the right time. Thank you.

Ellie said...

Anon, Oh, your comment simply made my day! So glad to hear the verses encouraged you during the difficult time you are going through. I pray God will strengthen and give you wisdom...His arm is never too short to save!

Thank you for stopping by...

Raven.Silverblade said...

Thank you so much for sharing with us. I love this! I would like to make this for a women's brunch and wanted to get the full effect. What did you fill the cones with?
Thank you!
Sincerely, Amber

Ellie said...

Amber, You are welcome:)! I mentioned in my post that I stuffed the cones with tuna salad... but I've also stuffed them with scrambled eggs( trimmings of choice ham,sausage, cheese and chives). You can also do a chicken salad as well... a curried egg salad would work too. Just ideas, but you can be as creative as you like:). Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I am so making this soon and filing it with ruska salad or any cream salad of choice! Thanks for the great idea of making your own cone and of course, the recipe!


Ellie said...

Thea, You are welcome:)! Enjoy making the bread cones... They are delicious:). I think any salad with some sort of mayo dressing would work. Potato salad/ ham salad would go great in the cones.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great day!

Sachi said...

I made it and, "WOW"... very delicious... :)
Thank You very much... xoxo :)

Ellie said...

Sachi, You are most welcome! So glad you enjoyed them... always makes my day:).

Thanks a bunch for taking the time to write and share your feedback... I really appreciate it!

Anonymous said...

Really nice

Ellie said...

Anon, Thank you:)!

bukti kesembuhan penyakit asam urat said...

its so cool thankyou for sharing this :)

Ellie said...

Bukti, You are most welcome:)!

Anonymous said...

Do you think foil wrapped waffle ice cream cones would work?

Ellie said...

Anon, Yes, it should work. Though when you use a waffle cone, the interior won't be as "spacious" as when you make your own cones... because it gives you the option to make the cone as wide as you want.

Unknown said...

I wonder if this would work with croissants in the tube...???

Ellie said...

Christi, I don't see why not... It's definitely worth a try! I think it's a fantastic idea actually ... can only imagine the filling possibilities... Nutella and strawberries:).

Another idea is using puff pastry...

But thanks a ton for stopping by and sharing your idea. Appreciate it!

Cathy said...

Hi, New here...Love the recipe...Was wondering if Pretzel dough would work as well as the regular dough does for the cones

Ellie said...

Cathy, Welcome:)! Glad you stopped by... I love your idea of using pretzel dough. I don't see why it wouldn't work. I think it's a great idea!

Pauline Eubanks said...

I CANNOT bake bread. I've tried. But I think I will try this with bread stick dough out of the can. Not as good as homemade.

Betty said...

My daughter knows I love new bread recipes so she sent me the link to your blog. These cone rolls look awesome and I will be making them first thing in the morning. I just bought a bunch of cold cuts so everyone can stuff their own. Thank you soooo much for your sharing heart.

Ellie said...

Pauline, I understand about not being able to bake... I was once in your shoes. It took me MANY tries, but somehow I realized I could always turn my bread flops into bread crumbs:). Eventually, with practice, I was able to learn how to bake bread.

However, I don't see why this shouldn't work with bread dough from the cans... At least you'll be able to enjoy some bread comes:).

Thanks for stopping by... and I wish you success!

Ellie said...

Betty, Your sweet and kind comment made my day! So glad you stopped by. I sure hope you enjoy the bread cones... and what a great idea to stuff them with deli meats and have each one make their own personal sandwich.

Again, so glad your daughter sent you this way!

Unknown said...

Could you add more sugar and use as a dessert recipe.

Unknown said...

These are so cool! They sell these at Disney World filled with Macaroni & Cheese. I want to make them for the kids this weekend and fill them with my homemade Mac & Cheese! I know they will love it! Thanks so much (((hugs)))

Ellie said...

Wendy, You know I've never made it as a dessert.., I'm thinking you could add some extra sugar, though I would use a brioche dough as an alternative. Hope that helps!

Ellie said...

Julie, I sure hope you enjoy making these cones for your kids. Macaroni filled sounds delicious! I'think your kids will call you Super Mom:) !

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Priya Rana said...

Hi Ellie,I am lucky I came across your blog through Pinterest.The recipes you make are too good,easy to make at home.I have tried the tarts recipe.It came out very well.Next Iam planning to try chicken pot pie , baklava and Girl Scout Samoa cookie.the photos are irresistible.

Ellie said...

Hi Prya:)... So glad you stopped by! Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate it very much.

I am thrilled to hear that you tried the tart recipe... I sure hope you will enjoy the rest of the recipes you end up trying. Feel free to adjust to your tastes. The baklava and Girl Scout Samoa cookie recipes are my absolute favorite:).

Wishing you a fun and enjoyable time in the kitchen.

Unknown said...

These are so cute! I think I might make them this weekend and stuff with something like sloppy joes, which is what I was searching for on pinterest and this came up! Coincidence? I think not! Stars and planets aligned for me to see this pinned under sloppy joes!

Ellie said...

Jeri, Wonderful! So glad you stopped by... your idea of stuffing it with a sloppy joe filling is fantastic! I am so glad you like the idea of bread cones... they are definitely fun to fill and eat:).

Have fun baking and enjoy the final product!

Anonymous said...

What a fun idea. My kids would love to have these in their school lunches! Thanks so much for sharing!

Ellie said...

Anon, You are most welcome:)! I hope you enjoy making them... They are indeed a treat.

I could see how they could brighten any child's day.

Enjoy... and thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said...

Hi Ellie, thanks for the recipe I've been looking for this for a long time, I'm making these cones now, please tell me can I store these cooked cones in the freezer,after I've baked it?

Ellie said...

Anjana, Yes, you certainly can freeze the bread cones after you've baked them. Simply wrap them well... they are a joy to defrost and fill with your favorite filling when you need something fun:).

I hope you enjoy them! And I'm glad you found the recipe:)...

Enjoy baking!