Cabbage Salad...Salata de Varza Rosie. My mom always had some sort of salad at every meal. Sometimes, she even had 2 or 3 different salads! This salad was often a side dish for many meals. Though we sometimes got kind of tired of the leafy lettuce salads, we never did get tired of the cabbage salad. Funny thing is, we all loved this salad. None of us complained. Mom always made sure we had plenty of vegetables and fruits in our diet. If she could give it to us in the raw form, she would. She did her best to provide us with the proper nutrients and a pretty well balanced diet. She often made a carrot salad that was sooo good!...grated carrots, lemon juice, a bit of sugar, and sometimes pineapple. She kept it simple, but it tasted so wonderful. We all loved it... definitely got plenty of vitamins out of it! Well, this cabbage salad was often made with red or white cabbage. We liked both. You could jazz it up with other ingredients if you onion, grated carrots, dill, etc. But, sometimes simple is just as good or even better. Cabbage provides plenty of vitamins and fiber... Check out the nutrition facts here. I hope you will try this salad...simple, easy, and good for you. It is so simple to make, that I wasn't even going to post it. But maybe, just maybe, some of you might like to try it:)...
You will need: Feel free to double, triple the recipe. This recipe should feed about 4.
1/4 of large red cabbage
2-3 TBS extra virgin olive oil (though any vegetable oil will do)
2 TBS cider vinegar( or white vinegar/rice vinegar)
1/4- 1/2 tsp kosher salt/ or to taste
freshly ground pepper/to taste
Wash cabbage. Cut a quarter.
Cut cabbage in thin strips.
Sprinkle some salt and squeeze some more. You want the cabbage to sort of become limp...not so tough. This should take about a minute or so. Add oil, vinegar and pepper. 

Toss to coat.
Check for seasoning and adjust. I noticed that the cabbage usually needs more vinegar than other add it to your liking. Enjoy!
Easy & healthy....
Chiar ma uitam dupa retete cu varza rosie, cred ca aceasta e salata ce o prepar cel mai des cu varza, e o bunatate!
nice and easy - tasty and healthy!
Anon, Glad you liked it:)! Thanks for stopping by... and sharing your feedback.
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