Brazilian Pao de Queijo....or Cheese Bread Rolls( Gluten-free). I've been meaning to make the Brazilian Pao de Queijo for SUCH a long time...probably a couple of years now. Recently though(well, not so recent, as this post is long overdue), I bought the tapioca starch and meant to make them...had a few projects I needed to do and somehow didn't get the chance to even think about them. The tapioca starch was sitting in my fridge... for a few weeks...and then I saw Susy, from Cooking In The Desert, post the exact recipe I had meant to make. After seeing her beautiful photos, I just knew I couldn't wait any longer... made the rolls the following day.
The inside of the cheese rolls remind me of the Japanese mochi... with that chewy, spongy texture. If you've had mochi ice cream, you'll know what I mean...or maybe even those fried spongy sesame balls found at Chinese restaurants. In any case, they aren't exactly a typical bread roll. While the outside may be misleading, the inside is far from having a bread-like texture...expect a moist and chewy texture when making these rolls... with a cheesy flavor. The flavor sort of reminds me of a soft cheese cracker...or a cheese quiche. That's the best I could do in describing them. But we really, really liked them... actually, we found ourselves eating more than our share:). It's probably best to make these when you have a large group of people to share them with...
But, regardless, I am thinking of making these again... for a New Year's appetizer. Thought it best to post this recipe now, in case some of you are entertaining... and would like to try it. Hope you enjoy...
~~~~~~Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!~~~~~~
Note: The rolls deflate a bit after they cool down...
Tip: You can refrigerate some of the dough and make a new fresh batch a day or two later... if making for guests, bake them the first day for best results and serve them straightaway.
I've even frozen the dough(though the texture suffers a bit...still good, but not great).
Though probably not traditional, you can opt to add some herbs of choice.
You will need: adapted from Cooking In The Desert and makes a pretty large batch...maybe 40-50 rolls?
500 grams tapioca starch
1 cup milk
1 cup water
1/2 cup oil
1-2 tsps salt, or to taste( I used a few pinches)
350 grams mozzarella cheese*
3 eggs
*or other cheese, such as Parmesan, queso fresco, or a mixture...I used 300 grams mozzarella and 50 grams of Mexican blend grated cheese, because I ran out of mozzarella. Traditionally the matured Minas cheese is used...
Preheat Oven to 350 deg F:
1. Place the tapioca starch in a large bowl...or a mixer bowl.
2. To a saucepan, add milk, water and oil. Bring to a boil.
3. Pour hot milk liquid over the tapioca starch. Mix with a spoon until well could use a dough hook, as well. The mixture is quite thick and sticky.
4. Allow dough to cool..and then add the cheese. Knead until the cheese is incorporated....I ended up kneading the cheese by takes a bit for the dough to fully incorporate the cheese....
5. Add salt and mix to combine. If using a salty cheese, you may want to cut down on amount of salt... taste and adjust.
6. Add the eggs, one by one, until well incorporated...sort of like when making choux pastry. You can knead the dough using your hands...or using the dough hook from the mixer. I used my mixer to do this part of the kneading.
7. Form balls measuring around 1 1/2 inches in diameter and place on a parchment lined baking sheet. I oiled my hands a bit when forming the balls as the mixture can be quite sticky.
8. Bake in pre-heated oven until puffy and lightly brown...18 or so minutes. Do keep an eye on you want them to just get a tinge of color...but not too brown. The rolls deflate a bit after they have cooled....and have a mochi-like interior texture... moist and chewy.

Ellie,toate retetele tale sunt delicioase ...
Multumesc mult pentru felul cum tu le preziti!
"Bred Rolls(Gluten -Free)"Ma tenteaza s-o incerc.Imi plac foarte mult!
Iti doresc o zi placuta...
Speranta, Multumesc mult... Au fost foarte bune! Sper sa iti placa si tie daca le incerci.
Apreciez mult vizita ta... iti doresc si tie o zi frumoasa si un an nou plin de har!
Hey Ellie!
SO glad you liked them, they look delicious!!
Like they say in Brasil "Gostoso!" :)
Susy ,Thank YOU!...loved them. Thanks so much for the recipe...and for stopping by:)
Hi Ellie, I found your recipe on pinterest (a lot of interesting stuff and a lot of time consuming :)) I can't believe I didn't see this before, we had these cheese bread rolls on Valentine's Day in a brazilian steakhouse, I think I gained 2 pounds only from these cheese rolls, I'm so happy I found the recipe. I'll look in the store for the tapioca starch. Have a wonderful week!
Hi Mihaela,
I'm glad you stumbled on the recipe:)...
You know, I've never tried these cheese rolls anywhere else, so I'm not sure exactly how they should taste. You have the experience of having tried them at the Brazilian steakhouse( which I haven't yet made it too, though I've heard lots about it... the green and the red:). So it would be nice to know if these are similar.
But one thing I do know, these homemade ones were delicious... and addictive:). My husband couldn't stop eating them:).
Hope you enjoy them as well...
Thanks for stopping by. It was good to hear from you:). Have a great week!
Hi Ellie, i am so happy i've found your blog, you have the recipe for pao de queijo i was looking for, since i lost mine and couldn't remember it. I am from minas gerais, brazil, the home of pao de queijo,one of my favorite things and also my husband's! I'll make them this week and i will let you know if they taste like the ones from back home. But for now, thanks a bunch for the recipe, can't wait to make it!!!
Anon, I've been wanting to make them again for the holidays these coming weeks myself:). I am not sure how the recipe would be to those back home in Brazil... Would love to hear your input.
I know the Brazilians use a different flour and cheese, so that would probably change the recipe a bit. But regardless, I hope you and your huaband enjoy them:)!
I am glad you stopped by:)...
You have some great recipes here... Pão de queijo is amazing, in Brazil there are two types of tapyoca starch, one is fermented, but both can be used, the recipes are slightly different, both are delicious, it´s always better with a stronger flavored cheese. Did you know you can freeze the balls before cooking?
Thank you, Luciana! I appreciate your input and for sharing your knowledege.
Thank you for the ideas of using a stronger cheese and freezing the balls... You are right, the stronger the cheese the more flavorsome. And you know, I mentioned in my tip that I've frozen them before... but I personally found the texture slightly changes a bit... the rolls baked up a bit different than when freshly made. They were still good, and it still works!... plus it does save time and energy, especially when you want some fresh rolls quickly:)!
I've yet to try making it with a fermented flour.... hmmm, where to find that here in the states?
But thanks so much for stopping by...
Hi Ellie,
I've had some Pao de queijo two months ago at a brasilian friend of mine and since then I was looking for a nice recipe. This is the third one I tried and the best of them.
I just baked Pao de queijo following your recipe two hours ago. Instead of mozzarella I used a mild Gouda and a strong Appenzeller - half-half - they turned out really tastefull!
I must say that this is a big portion though. I only baked one-third of them and I froze the rest. I am curious how they will taste.
Anyway thanks for sharing this nice recipe. I will save it and recommend it to others as well. Congrats for your nice blog. Keep going!
Sa ai o zi frumoasa!
Hi Andrea,
Yes, I agree, this recipe does make quite a bit. I am glad you enjoyed the recipe though... mmmm, I'm thinking your combination of cheeses made the pao de queijo taste fantastic!
You know, I've been thinking myself to cut the recipe by 2/3... and make a batch using just one egg. I think then it will be easier to mix and just better overall... won't have to eat so much:).
Thanks so much for taking the time to share your feedback, I really appreciate it! And thanks a bunch for your kind words....means a ton:).
Am mers un pic be blogul tau... foarte fine! M-am bucurat sa vad postari din Japonia:)...
Iti doresc si tie o zi placuta!
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